
Face and Forehead Lifting

yuz_alin_germeFace rejuvenation (Face lifting operation) The stress of the daily life, sunlight and gravity effects cause the signs of aging on face; the hang down and wrinkles come out. The deep lines and wrinkles forming around the eyelids, mouth, on cheeks, under the jaw and in the neck become more apparent as curves and lipid accumulations. The face tissues become lesser and weaker due to genetic features or aging factors and in the end they hang down on the face bones towards the gravitation downward direction. At the same time since the mimic muscles work for years and accordingly the skin curves become more apparent, dynamic lines are formed. The face lifting operation is an implementation aiming to remove such aging effects on face.

Anatomy: The face is separated to three different zones anatomically. The upper face includes the temple, forehead and eyebrows; the applied action then is upper face lifting operation. The middle face includes the cheeks and upper lips; the applied action then is middle face lifting operation. The lower face includes the lower chin and neck; the applied action then is lower face or neck lifting operation. Each part may be subject to separate surgical implementations or all together.

Upper face: The upper face lifting is performed aiming the lifting of eyebrows, temple and forehead. The classical operation technique is used as incising the hairy distance between the two ears and the forehead skin is skinned and stretched. The operation scar in this technique leaves hidden as a long line in the hair. Endoscopic technique is preferred for the cases not having sufficient hair and skin; the operation is performed with 4 incisions within the hair each 2 cm long.

Middle face: The middle face lifting operation aims to remove the hang down of the cheek and straining the skin on the cheek. The incision of the operation shall be performed from the bottom ear lines and thus leaves no scar. Endoscopic technique is preferred for the cases not having sufficient skin; the scars are then only left within the hair as in 2 cm long. Generally it required to be performed together with lower eyelid aesthetics. If the middle face is pulled upwards in vertical vector, lower eyelid skin excess becomes visible.

Lower face: The neck lifting operation is generally applied together with the middle face lifting operation. The operation incision performed in the neck lifting starts from behind of the wall and extends towards the hairy skin. The neck skin and muscles are freed and pulled upwards. Thus, the hang downs and wrinkles on the neck are removed, the angle of the jaw becomes apparent and a strain view of neck is obtained. Since the incision is left behind the ear, no visible scars are left.

Before the operation: We particularly require the condition of the respective patient by means of cardiovascular diseases. The smoking should be ceased for the period. If these are taken into account, then the complication risks in the post operative period become indeed lesser.

The operation: The operation is performed under local+sedation or total anesthesia; the duration lasts about 3-5 hours depending on the sort of the actions to be implemented. The length of staying in the hospital is 1 day. During the 2 days following the operation, the face will be wound with a slightly pressurizing bandage. The facial pain, feel of stretching, swollen zones, purple spots and sedation on skin etc. complaints may be faced after the operation. However the pain may not be in a discomforting level and can be easily controlled with painkiller medication. The swollen areas lessen in pace in a couple of days and the left swollen condition, which is not apparent as to be recognized, lasts about 2-4 months as the skin will completely settle on face in such period.

Toxin application may be performed one week before the operation for to prevent the reformation of the dynamic lines originating from the movement of the mimic muscles and to relax such muscles before the operation. The age limit for this operation is quite difficult to understand. The persons with apparent hang downs in their faces favor this operation without any age limit.

INNOVATIONS: Since it is worked on the muscles now during the operation (differently from the former techniques), the permanency duration of the operation became ever more throughout the years.

I do not use the incision that passes from in front of the ear; instead, I am placing that incision in the ear and that makes the visibility of the scar lesser. The lengths of the incisions made lesser.

The anesthesia methods became more trusted and the level of purple spots and swollen zones ever decreased with the new medications.

Endolift: The face and eyebrow lifting techniques that employ no operation or leave no scar are of the most popular applications of the recent times. The special stitch used in this application makes the skin constant in the direction desired and prevents the comeback of the skin which has been pulled upwards-backwards. No skin fold happens since the excess skin is distributed equally along the stitch. However this method should not be used for the cases with much hang down. For such patients, surgical face lifting method is more suitable. This method in turn may be used for the lifting of the neck skin in suitable patients.

I did not face any such wish up to now, however, the stitches may be taken back after the operation whenever desired so. The action is applied under local anesthesia and may last about an hour. After the action, the zone should not be rubbed and extreme mimic movements should not be performed for 2 weeks. Within such period, the ropes within the tissue become tighter and happen to form a more strong connection with the skin as making the outcomes of the applied action permanent. The life of this action is 3-5 years.

I wish happy days in which you see your face of the age you feel and full of beauties.